Progress Bar Shortcode
An easy way to add a progress bar to posts, pages or custom post types without any code.
- Progress bar with no markup
- Option to define progress status
- Customize progress bar with color, background, and animation
- Use design elements like border radius and gradients.
Showcasing progress
Default Progress Bar60%
Progress bars are an easy way to convey the progression of your tasks. People are driven by goals showcase yours.Here is a basic progress bar that was built use progress bar shortcode.Custom Progress Bars
GradientA custom progress bar with gradient overlay.
Progress status60%
AnimationGradient overlay with CSS3 animation.
Progress status50%
ColorsUnlimited colors for text and background.
Progress status80%
LayoutProgress bars with curved edges.
Progress status70%
CounterNumeric counter for reference.
Goal reached100%
StatusProgress bar without any status text.
More Bars….
One Click Customizations!
Every shortcode that comes with Saraswathi theme comes with an array of customization options in an easy to use popup interface that can be activated with just a click of a button in WordPress editor.