Saraswathi Responsive & Powerful Multipurpose Theme Tue, 27 Oct 2015 11:03:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Saraswathi 32 32 Style Guide Mon, 24 Aug 2015 10:03:37 +0000 h1. Heading Secondary Title Cras bibendum, mauris et placerat condimentum, enim urna porttitor nulla, sit amet bibendum neque eros at

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h1. Heading Secondary Title

Cras bibendum, mauris et placerat condimentum, enim urna porttitor nulla, sit amet bibendum neque eros at felis. Vivamus erat ligula, dapibus a pharetra vitae, venenatis et turpis. Vestibulum lectus velit, placerat sit amet urna sed, ullamcorper feugiat enim. Morbi nec magna libero.

h2. Heading Emphasis

Etiam condimentum ante a lorem aliquam, sit amet varius felis auctor. In eget commodo ex. Aenean non euismod massa, sit amet dignissim metus. Phasellus quis quam et mi cursus gravida. Pellentesque egestas velit ut dignissim semper. Curabitur quis ullamcorper purus.

Make a paragraph stand out by adding .emphasis.
The people crushed back on one another to avoid the horse. My brother pushed the pony and chaise back into the hedge, and the man drove by and stopped at the turn of the way. It was a carriage, with a pole for a pair of horses, but only one was in the traces. My brother saw dimly through the dust that two men lifted out something on a white stretcher and put it gently on the grass beneath the privet hedge.

Duis eu auctor erat, a porta nulla. Donec mattis leo enim, tempus sollicitudin sapien pharetra eu. Nulla aliquet ut sem sit amet suscipit. Curabitur finibus tincidunt diam, in eleifend tellus dapibus sit amet.

h3. Heading Flexbox Columns

They very soon came upon a Gryphon, lying fast asleep in the sun.

IF you don’t know what a Gryphon is, Google the picture.

That is EPIC right? Wings of an eagle and the body of a lion.

An enormous puppy was looking down at her with large round eyes, and feebly stretching out one paw, trying to touch her.

‘Poor little thing!’said Alice, in a coaxing tone

and she tried hard to whistle to it; but she was terribly frightened all the time at the thought that it might be hungry, in which case it would be very likely to eat her up in spite of all her coaxing.

h4. Heading Image Alignment

space has no boundaries

This is an Left-aligned thumbnail image ( 150X150 ). When using illustration and photography to enhance the user experience, choose images that express personal relevance, information, and delight.

The puppy began a series of short charges at the stick, running a very little way forwards each time and a long way back, and barking hoarsely all the while, till at last it sat down a good way off, panting, with its tongue hanging out of its mouth, and its great eyes half shut.

space has no boundaries

Right-aligned medium sized image ( 300X150 ). The image with space in all directions neatly places itself in the right corner and lets the text wrap around it.Now I am not going to keep typing but what follows may be filler text but its worth reading.

Imagery is more than decoration.It’s a powerful tool to help you communicate and differentiate your product. Bold, graphic, and intentional imagery helps to engage the user.

Whether the mood is subdued and muted or bright and colorful, the following principles and best practices can help you successfully incorporate imagery and bring your apps to life, no matter what the visual brand.

space has no boundaries
There is a lot of space around the image (pun intended)

Now that’s a proper selfie.

h5. Heading Dropcap

A drop cap is a large capital letter at the beginning of a text block that has the depth of two or more lines of regular text. Use the .dropcap class on the first letter of any word to use this typogrphic effect. See example below

At once there came running to her from all directions a pack of great wolves. They had long legs and fierce eyes and sharp teeth. “Go to those people,” said the Witch, “and tear them to pieces.” “Are you not going to make them your slaves?” asked the leader of the wolves. “No,” she answered, “one is of tin, and one of straw; one is a girl and another a Lion.


h6. Heading Unordered Lists
  • List item with a much longer description or more content.
  • List item
    • Nested Level 1 List Item
      • Nested Level 2 List Item
        • Nested Level 3 List Item 1
        • Nested Level 3 List Item 2
        • Nested Level 3 List Item 3
  • List item
  • List item
h6. Heading Ordered Lists
  1. List item with a much longer description or more content.
  2. List item
    1. Nested Level 1 List Item
      1. Nested Level 2 List Item
        1. Nested Level 3 List Item 1
        2. Nested Level 3 List Item 2
        3. Nested Level 3 List Item 3
  3. List item
  4. List item
h6. Heading Check Lists
  • List item with a much longer description or more content.
  • List item
    • Nested Level 1 List Item
      • Nested Level 2 List Item
        • Nested Level 3 List Item 1
        • Nested Level 3 List Item 2
        • Nested Level 3 List Item 3
  • List item
  • List item


Style the counter of list by adding .saras-list .counter .number classes to list.

  1. Add short text with counter
  2. Two styled layouts.


A circular counter style for lists with add .saras-list .counter .circle classes to list.

  1. Add short text with counter
  2. Two styled layouts.


Team Matches Won Points
First FC 38 26 87
Second FC 38 24 79
Third FC 38 22 75


These are classes that you can use within content.

This is a .saras-primary paragraph.You can choose your primary and secondary accent colors that can be used within content.

This is a .saras-secondary paragraph.Limit your selection of colors by choosing three hues from the primary palette.


To align text to the left use class .text-left.Too many type sizes and styles at once can wreck any layout. A typographic scale has a limited set of type sizes that work well together along with the layout grid.

To align text to the center use class .text-center.Too many type sizes and styles at once can wreck any layout. A typographic scale has a limited set of type sizes that work well together along with the layout grid.

To align text to the right use class .text-right.Too many type sizes and styles at once can wreck any layout. A typographic scale has a limited set of type sizes that work well together along with the layout grid.

To align text to the justify use class .text-justify.Too many type sizes and styles at once can wreck any layout. A typographic scale has a limited set of type sizes that work well together along with the layout grid.


Increase the emphasis on any headline with the use of .text-shadow class.

h2 Text shadow h2 Small text shadow

h3 Text shadow h3 Small text shadow

Decrease emphasis on any text use .muted class.

Hardly knowing what she did, she picked up a little bit of stick, and held it out to the puppy; whereupon the puppy jumped into the air off all its feet at once, with a yelp of delight, and rushed at the stick, and made believe to worry it; then Alice dodged behind a great thistle, to keep herself from being run over; and the moment she appeared on the other side, the puppy made another rush at the stick, and tumbled head over heels in its hurry to get hold of it;

Use the .labelled class to highlight text.

Default Info Light Warning success alert


With millions of mobiles, tablets and other devices out there delivering content based on the device is hard.In order to make it easier we have introduced visibility classes for standard devices. We have averaged media queries that allows you to show or hide content specifically based on screen sizes and its properties.

Use these classes to show or hide paragraph, image, video or any other content based on devices and its orientation. You can target

The classes follow a simple syntax of .[show/hide]-on-[device]-[only/up]

I guess show or hide part of the class is self explanatory. Moving on to the device part, use any of the following 6 device classification

Device Classes
Full HD

Use of only will let you hide/show the content on targeted device and nowhere else.
Use of up will hide/show content on the device and all others with bigger screen sizes to the targeted device.

Let us say that you decide to use the .show-on-tablet-up class on a paragraph text it will show your paragraph text on tablets, laptops, hd, full hd or 4K resolution devices but will hide on mobile.

If you use the .hide-on-tablet-up class it will hide your content on tablets, laptops, hd, full hd or 4K resolution devices but will show on mobile.


This may be a tablet, laptop, HD, Full HD or 4K device but defintely not mobile.

This is a mobile device.

This may be a laptop, HD, Full HD or 4K device but defintely not tablet.

This is a tablet device.

This may be a HD, Full HD or 4K device but defintely not laptop.

This is a laptop device.

This may be a Full HD or 4K device but defintely not HD.

This is a HD device.

This is a 4K device and defintely not Full HD.

This is a FullHD device.

Few more examples..

This is not a tablet, laptop, HD, Full HD or 4K device.

So, it is a tablet device.

This is not a laptop, HD, Full HD or 4K device.

So, it is a laptop device.

This is not a HD, Full HD or 4K device.

So, it is a HD device.

This is not a Full HD or 4K device.

So, it is a Full HD device.

Touch Screen

Apart from screen sizes you can also target certain screen properties.
You can show/hide based on whether the screen is a touch enabled or not. Use classes show-on-touch and .hide-on-touch

This is a touch-enabled screen.

This is not a touch-enabled screen.


To hide content visually but still make it readable through screen readers and other accessibility devices use the .screen-reader-text class.

The line of text below is only visible for screen readers.

This text can only be read by a screen reader.



/* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure,
footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section {
        display: block;


To open charms bar press windows + c key




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Quote Post Format Mon, 24 Aug 2015 09:47:44 +0000 By default quote format posts will use the first quote but you can override default behaviour by using the class

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By default quote format posts will use the first quote but you can override default behaviour by using the class .saras-quote to specify any link in your blockquote.

William the Conqueror, whose cause was favoured by the pope, was soon submitted to by the English, who wanted leaders, and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation and conquest. Edwin and Morcar, the earls of Mercia and Northumbria’

Ugh!’said the Lory, with a shiver.

Edwin and Morcar, the earls of Mercia and Northumbria, declared for him: and even Stigand, the patriotic archbishop of Canterbury, found it advisable.

‘Found WHAT?’ said the Duck.

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Link Post Format Mon, 24 Aug 2015 09:40:51 +0000 link – A link to another site. Themes may wish to use the first tag in the post content as

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link – A link to another site. Themes may wish to use the first tag in the post content as the external link for that post. An alternative approach could be if the post consists only of a URL, then that will be the URL and the title (post_title) will be the name attached to the anchor for it.Learn more about post formats.

By default link format posts will use the first link but you can override default behaviour by using the class .saras-link to specify any link in your link.Have a look at our style guide for some more insights on using saraswathi theme.

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Eat fresh Stay fresh Sun, 17 May 2015 13:11:37 +0000 http://localhost/wp-dev/build/?p=3447 Leaf vegetables, also called potherbs, greens, vegetable greens, leafy greens or salad greens, are plant leaves eaten as a vegetable,

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Eat fresh Stay fresh
Eat fresh Stay fresh

Leaf vegetables, also called potherbs, greens, vegetable greens, leafy greens or salad greens, are plant leaves eaten as a vegetable, sometimes accompanied by tender petioles and shoots.

Although they come from a very wide variety of plants, most share a great deal with other leaf vegetables in nutrition and cooking methods.

Nearly one thousand species of plants with edible leaves are known. Leaf vegetables most often come from short-lived herbaceous plants such as lettuce and spinach.

Woody plants whose leaves can be eaten as leaf vegetables include Adansonia, Aralia, Moringa, Morus, and Toona species.The leaves of many fodder crops are also edible by humans, but usually only eaten under famine conditions. Examples include alfalfa, clover, and most grasses, including wheat and barley.

When you eat raw food, you not only feel energised, but also look better. Raw food items include fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, seeds, grains and sprouted legumes, seaweed or spirulina, chlorella and freshly extracted fruit and vegetable juices.

Raw fruit and vegetable juices contain biologically active components called enzymes, which play an important role in all metabolic activities. Enzymes are essential for digesting food, releasing energy from the food you eat, stimulating brain ­function, and repairing ­tissues, organs and cells.

Even if you are consuming sufficient vitamins and minerals, you may not be completely healthy, if your body does not have a good supply of enzymes.Incorporating raw food in your diet.

  1. Eat at least one bowl of sprouts every day. You could partially cook or steam them with ­asafoetida, if you suffer from gas or bloating.
  2. Include a glass of ­vegetable or fruit juice in your diet. Ensure that you drink the vegetable or fruit juice within 20 ­minutes of extraction.
  3. Foods like papaya, ­pineapple, mangoes and bananas should be ­consumed frequently.

These plants are often much more prolific than more traditional leaf vegetables, but exploitation of their rich nutrition is difficult, primarily because of their high fiber content. This obstacle can be overcome by further processing such as drying and grinding into powder or pulping and pressing for juice.

Leaf vegetables contain many typical plant nutrients, but since they are photosynthetic tissues, their vitamin K levels in relation to those of other fruits and vegetables, as well as other types of foods, is particularly notable.

The reason is that phylloquinone, the most common form of the vitamin, is directly involved in photosynthesis. This causes leaf vegetables to be the primary food class that interacts significantly with the anticoagulant pharmaceutical warfarin.

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Uncharted World Fri, 15 May 2015 13:04:52 +0000 http://localhost/wp-dev/build/?p=3376 Fix decided that he must warn the English authorities, and signal the Rangoon before her arrival.This was easy to do,

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Fix decided that he must warn the English authorities, and signal the Rangoon before her arrival.This was easy to do, since the steamer stopped at Singapore, whence there is a telegraphic wire to Hong Kong.He finally resolved, moreover, before acting more positively, to question Passepartout.It would not be difficult to make him talk; and, as there was no time to lose,

Fix prepared to make himself known. It was now the 30th of October, and on the following day the Rangoon was due at Singapore.Fix emerged from his cabin and went on deck. Passepartout was promenading up and down in the forward part of the steamer.

The detective rushed forward with every appearance of extreme surprise.


What, Monsieur Fix, are you on board? returned the really astonished Passepartout recognising his crony of the Mongolia.

Why, I left you at Bombay, and here you are, on the way to Hong Kong! Are you going round the world too?.

No, no,replied FixI shall stop at Hong Kong at least for some days.

Hum! said Passepartout who seemed for an instant perplexed. But how is it I have not seen you on board since we left Calcutta?

Passepartout thereupon recounted Aouda’s history, the affair at the Bombay pagoda, the purchase of the elephant for two thousand pounds, the rescue, the arrest, and sentence of the Calcutta court, and the restoration of Mr. Fogg and himself to liberty on bail.

Fix, who was familiar with the last events, seemed to be equally ignorant of all that Passepartout related; and the later was charmed to find so interested a listener.

But does your master propose to carry this young woman to Europe? Not at all.We are simply going to place her under the protection of one of her relatives, a rich merchant at Hong Kong.”

“Nothing to be done there,” said Fix to himself, concealing his disappointment.We must at least have a friendly glass on board the Rangoon.

A glass of gin, Mr. Passepartout? Willingly, Monsieur Fix.

.The detective and Passepartout met often on deck after this interview, though Fix was reserved, and did not attempt to induce his companion to divulge any more facts concerning Mr. Fogg.

He caught a glimpse of that mysterious gentleman once or twice; but Mr. Fogg usually confined himself to the cabin, where he kept Aouda company, or, according to his inveterate habit, took a hand at whist.

Passepartout began very seriously to conjecture what strange chance kept Fix still on the route that his master was pursuing.

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Princess of mars Fri, 15 May 2015 11:47:36 +0000 http://localhost/wp-dev/build/?p=3352 It is only the men of her kind who war upon us, and I have ever thought that their attitude

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It is only the men of her kind who war upon us, and I have ever thought that their attitude toward us is but the reflection of ours toward them.

They live at peace with all their fellows, except when duty calls upon them to make war, while we are at peace with none; forever warring among our own kind as well as upon the red men, and even in our own communities the individuals fight amongst themselves.

Fortunate indeed is he who meets his end in an early death. Say what you please to Tars Tarkas, he can mete out no worse fate to me than a continuation of the horrible existence we are forced to lead in this life.”

This wild outbreak on the part of Sola so greatly surprised and shocked the other women, that, after a few words of general reprimand, they all lapsed into silence and were soon asleep.

One thing the episode had accomplished was to assure me of Sola’s friendliness toward the poor girl, and also to convince me that I had been extremely fortunate in falling into her hands rather than those of some of the other females.

Oh, it is one continual, awful period of bloodshed from the time we break the shell until we gladly embrace the bosom of the river of mystery, the dark and ancient

I knew that she was fond of me, and now that I had discovered that she hated cruelty and barbarity I was confident that I could depend upon her to aid me and the girl captive to escape, provided of course that such a thing was within the range of possibilities.

I did not even know that there were any better conditions to escape to, but I was more than willing to take my chances among people fashioned after my own mold rather than to remain longer among the hideous and bloodthirsty green men of Mars.

But where to go, and how, was as much of a puzzle to me as the age-old search for the spring of eternal life has been to earthly men since the beginning of time.

I decided that at the first opportunity I would take Sola into my confidence and openly ask her to aid me, and with this resolution strong upon me I turned among my silks and furs and slept the dreamless and refreshing sleep of Mars. Early the next morning I was astir.

Martian city
Martian city

Considerable freedom was allowed me, as Sola had informed me that so long as I did not attempt to leave the city I was free to go and come as I pleased.

She had warned me, however, against venturing forth unarmed, as this city, like all other deserted metropolises of an ancient Martian civilization, was peopled by the great white apes of my second day’s adventure. In advising me that I must not leave the boundaries.

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Post with content slider Fri, 15 May 2015 07:16:07 +0000 http://localhost/wp-dev/build/?p=3339 He gave a cry of terror, sprang sideways, and rushed on before I could gather my wits sufficiently to speak

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(function($, window, document, undefined){'use strict'; $(function(){$("#carousel-695").slick({ centerMode: true, lazyLoad: 'ondemand', dots: true, easing: 'linear', autoplay: true, fade: true, mobileFirst:true,responsive:[{breakpoint:980,settings:{slidesToShow:1,dots:false}},{breakpoint:460,settings:{slidesToShow:1,dots:false}}] });});}(jQuery, window, window.document));

He gave a cry of terror, sprang sideways, and rushed on before I could gather my wits sufficiently to speak to him. So heavy was the stress of the storm just at this place that I had the hardest task to win my way up the hill.

Near the top I stumbled upon something soft, and, by a flash of lightning, saw between my feet a heap of black broadcloth and a pair of boots. Before I could distinguish clearly how the man lay, the flicker of light had passed.

I stood over him waiting for the next flash. When it came, I saw that he was a sturdy man, cheaply but not shabbily dressed; his head was bent under his body, and he lay crumpled up close to the fence, as though he had been flung violently against it.

Overcoming the repugnance natural to one who had never before touched a dead body, I stooped and turned him over to feel for his heart. He was quite dead. Apparently his neck had been broken.

The lightning flashed for a third time, and his face leaped upon me.I sprang to my feet.It was the landlord of the Spotted Dog, whose conveyance I had taken.I stepped over him gingerly and pushed on up the hill.

I made my way by the police station and the College Arms towards my own house.

Nothing was burning on the hillside, though from the common there still came a red glare and a rolling tumult of ruddy smoke beating up against the drenching hail.So far as I could see by the flashes, the houses about me were mostly uninjured.

By the College Arms a dark heap lay in the road.Down the road towards Maybury Bridge there were voices and the sound of feet, but I had not the courage to shout or to go to them.

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Image Post Format Fri, 15 May 2015 06:53:09 +0000 http://localhost/wp-dev/build/?p=3334 “Isn’t it a beauty?” he asked. “It is, indeed!” replied the Woodman, who was greatly pleased. “But is it a

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slider-backgrounds-posts-4“Isn’t it a beauty?” he asked. “It is, indeed!” replied the Woodman, who was greatly pleased. “But is it a kind heart?” “Oh, very!” answered Oz.

He put the heart in the Woodman’s breast and then replaced the square of tin, soldering it neatly together where it had been cut.

“There,” said he; “now you have a heart that any man might be proud of.I’m sorry I had to put a patch on your breast, but it really couldn’t be helped.Never mind the patch,” exclaimed the happy Woodman.

“I am very grateful to you, and shall never forget your kindness.” “Don’t speak of it,” replied Oz. Then the Tin Woodman went back to his friends, who wished him every joy on account of his good fortune.

The Lion now walked to the Throne Room and knocked at the door. “Come in,” said Oz. “I have come for my courage,” announced the Lion, entering the room. “Very well,” answered the little man; “I will get it for you.”

He went to a cupboard and reaching up to a high shelf took down a square green bottle, the contents of which he poured into a green-gold dish, beautifully carved. Placing this before the Cowardly Lion, who sniffed at it as if he did not like it, the Wizard said: “Drink.” “What is it?” asked the Lion. “Well,” answered Oz, “if it were inside of you, it would be courage. You know, of course, that courage is always inside one; so that this really cannot be called courage until you have swallowed it.

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Video Post Format Tue, 21 Apr 2015 06:21:45 +0000 http://localhost/wp-dev/build/?p=2290 Blender Institute releases pilot of Cosmos Laundromat – a free and open source episodical animation film. The 10 minute opening

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Blender Institute releases pilot of Cosmos Laundromat – a free and open source episodical animation film.

The 10 minute opening sequence of the movie now has been released on the web. Successive episodes will be made when additional funding is in.

The pilot tells the story of Franck, a suicidal sheep who lives on a desolate island. He meets his fate in a quirky salesman, who offers him the gift of a lifetime. Little does he know that he can only handle so much lifetime…

“Volunteers are welcome to work on parts of the software, on the websites, documentation, education, design proposals, testing, and many more topics.

The “Cosmos Laundromat” project started in 2014 as an experimental feature film in which an adventurous and absurdist love story gets told by multiple studios – each working in their own unique style.

The project was initiated by Blender Foundation to improve animation production pipelines with the free and open source 3D software Blender.

Based on the results of a crowd-funding campaign in Spring 2014, the Blender Institute in the Netherlands decided to first work on a pilot.The opening of Cosmos Laundromat, the 10-minute pilot called “First Cycle”, now has been released for the public on the web.

In the past weeks it had successful preview screenings; in the EyeFilm cinema in Amsterdam, on the SIGGRAPH convention in Los Angeles, and in the Presto Theatre at the Pixar campus in Emmeryville.

The official theatrical premiere will be on the Netherlands Film Festival in September. The film has been nominated for the prestigious Jury Prize of the Animago festival in Berlin.

New episodes will depend on audience feedback and additional funding. Recurring revenues will be expected to be generated via the Blender Institute’s subscription system “Blender Cloud”, which gives access to all of the source data that was used to make the film.

Ton Roosendaal – producer and director of Blender Institute – spent a week in Los Angeles presenting Blender and the film project.

“The reception we had was fabulous, especially from artists who work in the animation industry.They totally dig the sophisticated story build up, the high quality character animation and the amazing visuals. And most of all they root for us to become a success – because we are proving that there’s independent animation production possible outside of the film business with its restrictive distribution and licensing channels.”

Ton Roosendaal – producer and director of Blender Institute

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Gallery Post Format Tue, 21 Apr 2015 06:20:21 +0000 http://localhost/wp-dev/build/?p=2292 ‘Well, I can’t show it you myself,’ the Mock Turtle said: ‘I’m too stiff. And the Gryphon never learnt it.”Hadn’t

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Responsive Gallery

“How long will it be,” the child asked of the Tin Woodman, “before we are out of the forest?” “I cannot tell,” was the answer, “for I have never been to the Emerald City.But my father went there once, when I was a boy, and he said it was a long journey through a dangerous country, although nearer to the city where Oz dwells the country is beautiful.

‘What a curious plan!’ exclaimed Alice. ‘That’s the reason they’re called lessons,’ the Gryphon remarked: ‘because they lessen from day to day.’ This was quite a new idea to Alice, and she thought it over a little before she made her next remark.

But I am not afraid so long as I have my oil-can, and nothing can hurt the Scarecrow, while you bear upon your forehead the mark of the Good Witch’s kiss, and that will protect you from harm.” “But Toto!” said the girl anxiously.

“What will protect him?” “We must protect him ourselves if he is in danger,” replied the Tin Woodman. Just as he spoke there came from the forest a terrible roar, and the next moment a great Lion bounded into the road.

With one blow of his paw he sent the Scarecrow spinning over and over to the edge of the road, and then he struck.

‘Well, I can’t show it you myself,’ the Mock Turtle said: ‘I’m too stiff. And the Gryphon never learnt it.”Hadn’t time,’ said the Gryphon: ‘I went to the Classics master, though. He was an old crab, HE was.’That’s enough about lessons,’ the Gryphon interrupted in a very decided tone: ‘tell her something about the games now.’ The Mock Turtle sighed deeply, and drew the back of one flapper across his eyes. He looked at Alice, and tried to speak, but for a minute or two sobs choked his voice.

‘You may not have lived much under the sea—’ (‘I haven’t,’ said Alice)—’and perhaps you were never even introduced to a lobster’ (Alice began to say ‘I once tasted’ but checked herself hastily, and said ‘No, never’) ‘—so you can have no idea what a delightful thing a Lobster Quadrille is!’ ‘No, indeed,’ said Alice. ‘What sort of a dance is it?’

‘Why,’ said the Gryphon, ‘you first form into a line along the sea-shore—’ ‘Two lines!’ cried the Mock Turtle. ‘Seals, turtles, salmon, and so on; then, when you’ve cleared all the jelly-fish out of the way—’ ‘THAT generally takes some time,’ interrupted the Gryphon.

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